
Melbourne - VIC

Josanne has a mixed background of Dutch, Maltese and Greek though born in Australia, hence a love of travel. She came across Biodanza in 2008 when she was living in The Netherlands. It was love at first dance.

After that first session in Amsterdam at the Biodanza Fabriek in Oct 2008, her plans did a 360° turn when she decided to stay on to become a facilitator. This involved studies for 3 years and then she chose to volunteer for an extra two years at Biodanza schools in The Netherlands. Josanne graduated in 2013 and ended up living in Holland for 15 years, attending many Biodanza events, congresses and gatherings in Europe, South Africa, Australia, India and Nepal. 

After graduating she created classes for Adults, refugees and children. Her passion was to work with children, she studied the extension for kids Biodanza in Netherlands, Milan and South Africa. This led to giving weekly classes for 10 years in Amsterdam. Firstly at a Montessori school then privately, whilst also at The British School of Amsterdam.

In 2017 she embarked on a sabbatical to volunteer, taking Biodanza to Nepal, India and Greece. She found this a magical experience. "Children are natural dancers worldwide, they love to move to music and follow various themes which would come to life."

Since March 2020 Josanne returned to Australia, holding Biodanza events for communities, parties and gatherings. She has also worked as a nurse, photographer, teacher and recently written and published a multi author book called Intuitive: Seeing her truth.

"Biodanza is the dance of life. It opens up a world of possibilities and connects you to yourself and others through dance... in the moment. Let the sun shine in." Josanna

Classes:  Coming soon in VIC. SEE CALENDAR

Phone:  0458 453 870


