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Melbourne Workshop – From Pretzel to Openness

June 8, 2024

Workshop -Beyond Pandora's Box - A Biodanza and Creative journey to explore your gems from within

Workshop - From Pretzel to Openness - A Biodanza and embodiment journey to move from contorting to expanding into your PowerDo you…

-> Find yourself contorting and twisting yourself to fit into someone else’s box?
-> Shrink to fit in?
-> Hide parts of you in order to be loved or liked?

What if there’s another way?

🦋 Imagine the breath of life entering you, fills you up, and expands into every part of your being that is desiring to be seen, heard and felt?

🦚 Imagine that with each step you take, you walk the earth as the Queen or King that you truly are. Whether that be in a cafe, the boardroom, or on a date.

🦋 Imagine how through this, you accept who you are and feel at ease being *you*

The Invitation

Connect with your inner guidance and un-tangle from other’s expectations. Draw strength from your instinctual wisdom and expand into your own power to own and embrace YOU.

Guided by Jean Sum – accredited Biodanza Facilitator, Courage & Transformation Coach, you are invited to this 1 day workshop where you will dive into your personal journey of growth and expansion through movement, dance, and embodiment practices in a welcoming community.

What you need to know

You will be guided into dances through a powerful and diverse range of music where you be invited to expand into your inner strength and power. This is a movement and embodiment workshop where words are not spoken, but sensations are felt to spark the transformations that are desiring to be felt.

** Everything is an invitation **

Cushions and blankets are available – you are welcome to bring your own.

Wear comfortable clothing, dance barefoot if this is available to you. Bring a fresh change of clothes if needed.

Invitation to bring something to share over lunch, or you may wish to spend time with yourself. A few cafes and CERES are within walking distance.


Biodanza / Dance experience

It is recommended that you come to 1 or few Biodanza sessions (Thursday) before the workshop, and the Biodanza session (Thursday 13 June) following the workshop to support you in your integration.


Investment – sliding scale offering – choose one that suits your circumstances

* Standard: $107

* Supported: $67 (if resources are challenging in this moment, and you need extra support)

* Share the Love: $147 (contribution towards Supported places)

(no booking fee via cash/bank)


Book here -> https://www.jeanjingyinsum.com/workshop-from-pretzel-to-openness


AKA Studio Yoga
130 Nicholson St
Brunswick East, Vic 3057 Australia
+ Google Map