Tracy-Kim Gilchrist

Gold Coast/Brisbane - QLD

Tracy-Kim first experienced Biodanza in 2008 where she fell in love with how it seemed to integrate and invigorate pure joy as well as support deep healing in the most perfect moments and ways. She loved how it combined her love for moving, dancing, music, emotional liberation and connection, all in the most safe, cradling environment.

She knew in that very first moment that Biodanza was a most inspiring complement to the other modalities she had trained for in her professional and personal life, including being a Journey Practitioner, SIY Mindfulness Teacher, Pachamama Alliance symposium presenter, as well as a specialist in Speech Pathology working only with people, and their families, who are non-verbal. Tracy-Kim is also an author that finds profound fulfilment supporting people in freeing themselves from all that limits living joyfully.  This has led her to things like consulting with mothers, and also some fathers, representing themselves in Family Court on child matters in several countries, to working in juvenile prisons in China to empower young forgotten girls, to 500km+ bicycle treks through Vietnam and Cambodia to raise funds to support sex trafficked girls. 

Tracy-Kim has trained at Biodanza schools in The Netherlands, South Africa and Australia and has also lived on 5 continents (as well as a month in the heart of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador living with the Achuar people) bringing an openness, love and respect of diversity and culture to her facilitating.

Her presence of inner joy and the warmth of her welcome and acceptance are infectious! 

Classes:           Gold Coast SEE CALENDAR

Phone:             0477 800 001


Social Media:   Biodanza Gold Coast FB Group 
